Mercedes-Benz Genuine Air Duct 1408310836
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Mercedes-Benz Genuine Air Duct 1408310836



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SKU: Mercedes-Benz-Genuine-Air-Duct-1408310836 Category:

Mercedes-Benz Genuine Original New Air Duct 1408310836 (003)


As a vital part of the car’s air intake system, the Mercedes-Benz Genuine Air Duct 1408310836 is a prime example of fine craftsmanship and precision engineering. This authentic air duct guarantees smooth operation and maximum engine efficiency by channeling airflow to the engine for ideal combustion and performance. It is made of high-quality materials and has undergone extensive testing. 


The Mercedes-Benz Genuine Air Duct 1408310836 is a crucial component of the air intake system that guides airflow from the outside to the engine’s intake manifold, guaranteeing appropriate air filtering and combustion. Its carefully thought-out construction and design reduce air resistance, enabling free-flowing air to the engine. This authentic air duct is designed to endure elevated temperatures and exposure to external factors, preserving its structural soundness and functionality across a range of driving scenarios, hence enhancing engine efficiency and fuel economy.


Mercedes-Benz demands careful testing and inspection of the Genuine Air Duct 1408310836, which is renowned for its unwavering quality. Made with cutting-edge materials and manufacturing processes, it has exceptional heat resistance, dimensional correctness, and durability. 


Within the vehicle’s air intake system, the Mercedes-Benz Genuine Air Dct 1408310836 offers adaptable capabilities that promote effective airflow and peak engine performance. This authentic duct guarantees appropriate engine combustion and steady airflow, which improves engine performance and fuel efficiency whether it is installed in the air filter housing, intake manifold, or other air intake components.

Weight 1.85 kg
Car Brand

Mercedes Benz

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